Ayesha Khan, the ex-girlfriend of Munawar Faruqui, recently appeared on the show as a wild card contestant. Munawar was seen growing upset and eventually admitting to leaving the show after she accused the stand-up comedian of betraying her. Munawar is seen talking about the same thing with his fellow housemates in a recent teaser released by the producers.
A new teaser for “Bigg Boss 17” was released by the show’s producers on December 18 via their official social media account. It features Munawar Faruqui, who confesses to quitting the reality TV show, in an emotional moment. Ayesha Khan, Munawar’s ex-girlfriend, has been in the news lately after she joined the show as a wild card contestant.
“She is accusing me that I haven’t mentioned to her about my ex-girlfriend, but the truth is, I had told her about it,” Munawar is heard saying in the upcoming episode. I’m not happy that I broke someone’s heart, I know that. If Bigg Boss opens the door, I’ll walk out.”
He goes on to ask if the other competitors believe he is fake. “You people have seen me for nine weeks. I am not fake. But I cannot survive here. I don’t want to cry any more. I cannot look her in the eye any more.”