The movie Animal, which stars Ranbir Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Rashmika Mandanna, and Anil Kapoor, has finally opened in theaters, and the first reactions have already started coming in on social media. Ranbir’s portrayal in Animal by Sandeep Reddy Vanga appears to have left a lasting impression on the audience. People are praising Ranbir immensely and calling the film a “mega blockbuster”, which has received mostly positive early reviews.
Now coming to the performances, Animal is a RANBIR KAPOOR SHOW, there’s nothing this man can’t do and to describe his performance in words is just not possible, Anil Kapoor is SUPER STRONG- delivers an impactful performance, Rashmika Mandana struggled in some parts as we have seen in the memes itself but is too good and up to mark in almost every scene barring a few aside, Bobby Deol delivers his career best performance, though for a very brief period of time and Tripti Dimri is just fantastic, pitch perfect in her performance. The entire supporting cast brings the film together.
Director Sandeep Reddy Wanga knew what he was making and that’s very clear from the first frame itself, the film is 3hr 21 mins long and you still don’t feel the runtime, proves that Wanga did a good job there.
From storytelling to action sequences, from the music (which is more or less the life of the film, leaving Ranbir Kapoor aside) to a beyond perfection post credit scene Animal has it all.
The only problem that pertains like other Wanga’s film is the toxicity and the entire debate of men dominating women in the worse way possible, which would make one not want to watch Animal again for all the right reasons.